County Councillor Jayne Rear 1 (2)

A-level results day 2024: Congratulations in order for Lancashire students

Early analysis of A-level, T Level and other level 3 results in Lancashire point to another year of strong performance from the county's students.


While the full picture is not yet known, we have seen reports of 100% pass rates in a range of subjects and across a number of our post-16 education and training providers, including colleges and school sixth forms.

County Councillor Jayne Rear, Lancashire County Council's cabinet member for Education and Skills, said:

"I'd like to congratulate Lancashire students receiving their A-level and T Level results today and commend you for your dedication, hard work and perseverance.

"We are incredibly proud of your accomplishments and are excited to see where your talents, skills, and passions will lead you.

"Whether you choose to further your education, enter the professional world, or explore other paths, I wish you every success as you begin this new chapter in your adult lives.

"I would also like to say a huge thank you to all the education staff who have supported our young people through their study programmes.

"If you didn't get the grades you wanted, please do not think all is lost as you do have options and there is help available.

"You can also talk to our Talkzone advisors, who are available to talk confidentially about anything from results, to feeling low, relationships, finding work or training."


Advice and support is available for young people whose results aren't as hoped for. Young people planning to continue their studies should contact their higher education provider they had planned to attend and discuss the options available to them.

Young people can also contact Talkzone, part of Lancashire County Council's youth services. Talkzone has trained advisers who can talk to students, in confidence, about their exam results and anything else that might be concerning them.

The service can be accessed by telephone, email, text and webtalk. It is available from 2pm to 10pm every day, including weekends and Bank Holidays.

Young people can call Talkzone on 0800 511 111, text on 07786 511 111 or email

Alternatively, get in touch through our access webtalk services or via Facebook.