Burnley bridge closure for essential maintenance work
Curzon Street in Burnley is set to close while essential strengthening work to a bridge takes place.
The first stage of this work will be a five-week programme to redirect gas lines, which run along the length of the bridge. The work will begin on Monday 13 June.
The bridge is located under the road on Curzon Street, close to Primark at the T junction where it joins onto Bankfield and the pedestrianised area of the town centre (please see the satellite picture in notes for editors).
Some roads will need to be closed, and temporary traffic arrangements will be put in place while this work is ongoing.
Bankfield will be closed to all vehicles from its junction with Standish Street, except for access vehicles, from the junction with Standish Street and Curzon Street up to the junction with Parker Street. Delivery vehicles will still be allowed into the Market Hall and Charter Walk.
The pedestrian route will be open on the south footway of Bankfield to Charter Walk.
A signposted diversion route will be in place, as well as changes to traffic on the surrounding roads.
County Councillor Charlie Edwards, cabinet member for highways and transport, said: "This is a major bridge, which carries the highway over the River Brun.
"Its deteriorating condition means it is no longer able to withstand the demands of modern traffic and we have to take action to ensure it remains safe.
"We originally planned the full six-month programme to begin in June. However, after further consideration of the effects on the town centre, we've decided to start the initial five-week preparations in June and re-scheduled the main part of the work to begin in January 2023.
"This will help to minimise the impact on shops, shoppers and local businesses.
"We apologise for the inconvenience this will cause and will do everything we can to keep disruption to a minimum."
The diversion route includes temporarily introducing two-way traffic from numbers 1 to 21 on Standish Street.
The parking bays will be suspended on this section to accommodate the two-way traffic. However, business vehicles will be able to park outside temporarily for unloading.
County Councillor Edwards said: "Business vehicles will still be able to unload on standish street between numbers 1 and 21 while the work takes place.
"Two of the four disabled bays are still available on Bankfield. We have contacted local businesses to make them aware of the arrangements. Our highways engineers are happy to speak to them if they have any concerns."
After the 5 week utility diversion work is complete, the temporary traffic management measures will be removed until the next stage of the work, which will involve strengthening the bridge structure, begins in January 2023.
Notes to editors
- The diversion route that will be in place while the work takes place is shown on the graphic shown in this article.
- After the 5 week utility diversion work is complete, the temporary traffic management measures will be removed until the next stage of the work, which will involve strengthening the bridge structure, begins in January 2023.
- Curzon Street bridge is a masonry arch bridge which was widened to support the footways. It carries the highway over the river Brun. These widenings are no longer able to withstand the loads caused by traffic and are in a deteriorating condition.
- They will be demolished and replaced with a structure that meets modern highway standards.
- This demolition and rebuilding will take around five-and-a-half months and begin in January 2023.