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Cabinet set to agree fee increase for Lancashire foster carers

Lancashire County Council's cabinet is expected to approve plans to increase the level of financial support for foster carers.

A report is due to go to cabinet on Thursday 3 March that proposes a revised payment structure for all approved Lancashire County Council foster carers.

Lancashire County Council is investing an additional £3million to support the move.

The proposed fee uplift will deliver increased financial support to Lancashire foster carers, in line with the allowance and fees received by carers for other comparable local authorities and those who foster for an Independent Fostering Agency.

The overarching aim of the proposals is to support the recruitment and retention of Lancashire foster carers, against a national shortage of suitable carers. This will support the county council's strategic aim of placing children in care as close as possible to their home and support networks.

County Councillor Cosima Towneley, cabinet member for children and families, said: "The proposed changes will send a strong message that Lancashire County Council recognises and values the current foster carers by offering a competitive payment scheme that supports the recruitment and retention of in-house foster carers.

"Foster carers have an extremely valuable role in providing children and young people with a stable and loving environment. The uplift in fees acknowledges the difficult and life changing work these individuals and families undertake.  It also recognises the unique nature of the skills they develop and share with those considering fostering options. 

There are many different types of fostering and anyone wishing for further information should contact Lancashire County Council either through the website or on 0300 123 6723.  Lancashire is proud to offer 24/7 support and ongoing training and welcomes new foster carers from all different backgrounds.

Find out more at: or call the council's friendly team on 0300 123 6723.