Our fostering service roars on the Lionesses
To celebrate the Women's World Cup, our foster carers and service have teamed up with other councils to form 'Local Councils United.'
Lancashire County Council, together with 23 other council fostering teams from across the country have formed a virtual team to raise awareness of the benefits of fostering and to support England's Lionesses.
Throughout the World Cup tournament, each local authority participating in ‘Local Councils United’ will release a regional football-themed video on their social media channels, helping to bring together a united fostering community.
Football teams, carers, young people and families are all featured in the clips during the campaign with the hashtag #FosterWithYourCouncil.
Lancashire County Council is supporting the initiative with the video, which features foster carers talking about their own experiences and the benefits of fostering for the county. The video will be shared just after 9am on Thursday, July 27 on the 'Lancashire County Council' Facebook page.
Lancashire County Councillor Cosima Towneley, cabinet member for children and families, said: "Opening your heart and home to a child or sibling group is undoubtedly an amazing thing to do and helps to ensure a bright future for a young person who deserves the best start in life.
"What better way to celebrate our wonderful fostering team, whilst also championing the inspirational Lionesses competing at the Women's World Cup. We're delighted to support this fantastic initiative and hope to kick off the campaign in style on our social media channels."
Lancashire County Council's fostering service is always looking for a new generation of foster carers to make a difference and help excite, encourage and inspire children in care.
To find out more about the campaign, visit: Local Councils United - Fostering (lancashire.gov.uk) and to find out more about fostering for us, visit: Fostering in Lancashire - Fostering