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Champions provide financial support to Lancashire communities

Veteran's groups, mental health initiatives, and disability charities were just some of the beneficiaries of tens of thousands of pounds from Lancashire County Council’s Champions. 

In the year to April, Lancashire County Council Champions gave dozens of grants to ensure that community groups could continue to provide services to their local areas. 

The Council’s Cabinet has designated county councillors as champions for various causes.  

In total, more than £60,000 was granted to these community groups in the financial year 2023-24. 

County Councillor Phillippa Williamson, Leader of Lancashire County Council, said: “I am delighted that the Council can help community groups provide services and experiences to people that otherwise might not have received them. 

“Our Champions do a brilliant job of getting in and around communities, deftly identifying where money can be best spent to improve people’s lives.” 

These include Alf Clempson, Champion for Armed Forces and Veterans, Peter Britcliffe, Acting Champion for Disabled People, Stuart Morris, Champion for Mental Health, Joan Burrows, Champion for Older People, Paul Rigby, Champion for Parishes, and Loraine Cox, Champion for Young People. 

This year, 89 projects benefitted from the Champion grants. This included giving Sporting Challenge the opportunity to provide sporting activities for people with learning difficulties, helping youth groups across the county with sport and activities, such as The Rotary Clubs U12's Football and Girlguiding, supporting many community groups tackling social isolation and promoting health and wellbeing of residents including our armed forces and veteran community. 

Each champion is granted an annual sum of £10,000 to finance their activities. These activities encompass organising and attending events, providing grants or loans within their remit, and covering other incidental costs necessary for their roles. 

Champions have the flexibility to carry over any unspent balance up to a maximum of £2,500 from one financial year to the next, allowing for a maximum budget of £12,500. 

The responsibility for approving a Champion’s expenditure has been delegated by the Leader of the Council to the Director of Law and Governance. This ensures a streamlined process and effective governance. 

To get in touch with any of our Champions, visit our website