Consultation could be held into nursery provision at Burnley school
A Burnley primary school has asked for a formal consultation to be held on whether it should cease its maintained nursery provision.
Members of the council's cabinet will be asked at their meeting on Thursday to approve the publication of a statutory notice on the proposal and hold a formal consultation.
The headteacher and governors at Brunshaw Primary School are proposing that from August 2022, its year groups should run from Reception to Year 6 rather than the current Nursery 2 to Year 6.
The governors of the school have consulted with parents informally who said they were seeking provision which was available before and after school, and during school holidays.The nursery at the school currently offers morning only sessions during term time, and has 10 pupils on roll with 26 places available. Only four applications have been received for September 2022.
County Councillor Jayne Rear, cabinet member for education and skills, said: "We have been approached by the school to start the formal statutory process to reduce the age range at this school in line with guidance from the Department for Education.
"Should this be supported at our cabinet meeting on Thursday, I would urge anyone affected by the proposal to get involved in the consultation."
It is planned that the formal consultation would take place between March 14 and May 23, with a final decision being made in July.