Expect delays on A6 near Carnforth as new phase of roadworks begin
Lancashire County Council is alerting people to the need to plan their journeys around roadworks due to start in the Carnforth area next week.
The work on the A6 Scotland Road north of Carnforth town centre is likely to cause delays until mid-December, and involves improvements to footpaths, pedestrian facilities and bus stops/shelters being carried out by a housing developer as part of their agreed planning conditions.
The county council has worked closely with the developer and Carnforth Town Council to try to minimise inconvenience to people's journeys as much as possible, with the most disruptive phases of the work being scheduled during the school summer holidays when traffic levels are lower.
The improvements to the footpaths are due to begin on Monday 12 June which will mean the A6 being narrowed with cones in places as the work progresses.
From Monday 24 July to Friday 22 September temporary lights will be used to control traffic to allow the safe construction of pedestrian refuges, and further footpath improvements.
Any disruption to traffic should then be more limited through to the end of the project as work continues on the footpaths with cones being used to narrow the width of the A6, but without temporary lights in place.
For the safety of the people carrying out these improvements there will be a temporary 30mph speed limit in place throughout the works area.
County Councillor Phillippa Williamson, leader of Lancashire County Council, and the local county councillor for the Carnforth area, said: "I'm grateful to residents and businesses in Carnforth for their patience while this work takes place.
"These improvements have been agreed as part of the planning conditions for a new housing development, to ensure there is safe pedestrian access between people's homes and Carnforth town centre, as well better bus stops with shelters to encourage use of public transport.
"Our highways team has worked closely with the developer and Carnforth Town Council to minimise the disruption this will cause, mainly by scheduling activities which need most traffic management during the school holidays.
"However, the A6 Scotland Road is a very busy road I'd ask everyone who is coming to Carnforth to shop or visit, or is travelling through this area, to take account of the roadworks in place, and leave extra time for their journeys if they need to."