Find 'hidden gems' while shopping at a reuse shop
Have you considered buying some of your Christmas presents from a reuse shop, in a bid to be more environmentally friendly this year?
Lancashire County Council's reuse shops in Preston and Burnley's recycling centres sell labelled electrical goods, garden supplies, spare parts, bric-a-brac, furniture, clothing, children's toys including board games and teddies, children's bicycles and more, at bargain prices.
Members of the public who are at the recycling centres are being urged to pop in and check out our hidden gems for themselves, or as part of their shopping, on their next visit.
Donating pre-loved items that can be renovated, upcycled, or sold in good condition to charity shops or the reuse shops helps reduce unnecessary waste and supports the local community by offering up bargains for shoppers.
County Councillor Shaun Turner, cabinet member for Environment and Climate Change, said:
"The run up to Christmas is a fantastic time to de-clutter your home, before you put up your decorations. Charity shops are able to sell these on and make a small profit to fund their work.
"Our reuse shops also take a variety of household goods. They are a great source for finding unique and interesting, hidden gems at affordable prices. Instead of going to waste, these items can be put to great 'reuse' in another home. You can find something at our reuse shops that you can't find anywhere else.
"Christmas can be an expensive time for families. Shopping at one of the reuse shops means that you can find a real bargain with many of the small items under a pound – you won't find a stocking filler for less than that!
"The shops offer up children's toys including board games, bicycles which have been safety checked and fully restored by our fantastic volunteers, and great condition children's clothes.
"For the whole family, we have ornaments, glassware, tools and garden goodies such as plants, interesting plant pots and gardening tools.
"It's a heartwarming thought to think that donating or buying from our shops helps the environment by causing less items to go to waste and helps to make us all more sustainable. It's a very easy way to help the planet and make a small difference to your local community.
"If you're near to our Preston or Burnley reuse shops in the next few weeks, why not stop by to see what they have to offer."
Small electricals are all PAT tested to make sure they are fit for reuse.
Lancashire County Council's website has a range of information about reuse shops, such as what is accepted and advice about donations as well as the opening hours. Find out more at www.lancashire.gov.uk/reuse