Individual Service Fund consultation period begins
Lancashire County Council has launched a consultation about its proposed Individual Service Fund policy, which offers the option of having more choice and control with adult social care.
The new Individual Service Fund (ISF) policy sets out the arrangements for how care providers work with the person to develop tailored adult social care, support and activities. As part of the consultation, stakeholders are being asked how clear the new policy is.
The choice of having an ISF can benefit adults who wish to access a wider range of care and support options in similar ways to how direct payments work
Louise Taylor, Executive Director of Adult Services and Health & Wellbeing, said: "We are consulting with a range of stakeholders to ensure that our new policy is clear to people who may want to access an ISF as well as providers.
As well as making sure our most vulnerable people are protected and supported, we want to give them options and independence. Input from people in the consultation will ensure we can provide the best service for the people of Lancashire."
The consultation opened on 13th May and will close on 24th June. Following the input from the consultation, we will review the results and revise an updated policy, which will be sent to cabinet in September.
Find out more and have your say at https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/council/strategies-policies-plans/adult-social-care/individual-service-fund-isf-policy/