Lancashire welcomes families back to its neighbourhood centres to mark a special week
From 16 May, Lancashire County Council is celebrating Neighbourhood Week, a chance to welcome communities back to its neighbourhood centres.
Since early 2020, some buildings in Lancashire have been closed and some services had to turn virtual, resulting in many families finding it difficult to access the support they needed.
To celebrate the reopening of buildings and restarting of vital face to face services, the local authority is holding a number of special events to welcome communities back and showcase what the neighbourhood centres have to offer.
County Councillor Cosima Towneley, Cabinet Member for Children and Families, said: "The last couple of years have caused a great deal of disruption for families in Lancashire who needed to use our neighbourhood centres, so I am delighted that we are now welcoming them back.
"From parenting support and employment advice to opportunities for physical play and youth groups for young people with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities), these centres are a vital resource in our communities.
"While we successfully engaged with families virtually for many months, there is nothing to beat face-to-face interaction. During this Neighbourhood Week, I encourage everyone in Lancashire to take a look at what their local centre has to offer."
Lancashire is home to 56 neighbourhood centres and its Children and Family Wellbeing Service supports families of children and young people from 0-19 years old and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities up to 25.
There is a great deal on offer across a range of locations to meet the needs of the local community. Information on health and wellbeing services, areas for fun and play supporting childhood sensory development, adult learning opportunities to groups for expectant mums and dads and much more.
Notes to editors
To see what's happening in your area, visit: Find a children and family wellbeing service - Lancashire County Council
Or contact Lancashire's Talk Zone, email talkzone@Lancashire.gov.uk or call 0800 511111.