Morecambe's West End to see safer, greener and healthier streets
The Sandylands and West End area of Morecambe has been selected for a new scheme to create an area with safer, greener and healthier streets.
Lancashire County Council has secured funding through the Department for Transport's Active Travel Fund (ATF) to deliver the scheme to help local people to use more sustainable forms of transport and enjoy their neighbourhood, thanks to lower traffic levels and slower speeds. It will also make it easier for people to choose to walk, cycle or wheel for local trips rather than using the car.
Following a review of key data, the Sandylands and West End area was identified as having more traffic collisions than the national average in recent years. Of all collisions, 38% involved a pedestrian or cyclist with over half of those injured being children.
The council is holding a public engagement on the scheme for six weeks from 15 January 2024 to get local residents' feedback on potential interventions, which may include –
- Traffic calming measures on some streets to reduce rat-running and speeding.
- Improved or new crossing points to assist walking and cycling - particularly on routes to school.
- Further options including improvements to the street environment such as planters and parklets, as well as cycle parking facilities.
County Councillor Scott Smith, lead member for highways and active travel, said:
"We want to improve the area for all road users, and particularly children, by creating safer, greener and healthier streets which can be enjoyed by all.
"It's important to us that local residents and business owners are involved in the development of the scheme throughout, to ensure that whichever scheme we implement has been designed for, and with the community.
"Residents may have noticed cameras in locations around the area last year. The purpose of the cameras was to collect anonymised data on the number of vehicles and their speeds passing through problem areas.
"The data gathered show that improvements are needed to reduce the volume and speed of vehicles. In almost all locations, the speed limit was exceeded and in one area, 82.5% of vehicles were over the speed limit.
"'Residents, businesses, and others can tell us their views to help develop improvements to the area via an online survey, and at events where you can find out more about the scheme.'
Further details on the scheme and an interactive map where people can pin point any issues not already highlighted are available at - www.lancashire.gov.uk/roads-parking-and-travel/active-travel-schemes/sandylands/
The council will be holding two drop in events at Morecambe Library, Central Drive, Morecambe, LA4 5DL for people to find out more about the scheme and ask questions. These will be -
Tuesday 30th January 4pm – 7pm
Friday 23rd February 2pm – 5pm
You can also contact the council by email at ActiveTravel@lancashire.gov.uk (please use subject 'Sandylands') and by post at:
Sandylands Engagement
Lancashire County Council
PO Box 78
County Hall
If you would like to find out more about Lancashire’s plans to improve active travel opportunities across the county, please visit www.lancashire.gov.uk/activetravel