New adult numeracy programme equals more opportunities in Lancashire
Plans to deliver a new £5.9m skills programme aimed at boosting adult numeracy in Lancashire are moving forward, with the county council's cabinet set to agree the next steps.
The government’s flagship Multiply programme is coming in Autumn in 2022 and will be delivered through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which replaces the European Structural and Investment Fund programme.
The programme is targeted at adults aged 19+ who do not have a GSCE at Grade 4 (or equivalent). It aims to help people improve their ability to understand and use maths in daily life – from improving household finances, helping children with homework, and improving employability/job prospects.
Locally devolved funds will be complemented by a digital on-line learning platform that is being developed by the Department for Education.
A funding formula has been used to allocate funds to local areas, with Lancashire being earmarked £5.9m.
Local authorities are required to develop and submit investment plans to the Department for Education by 30 June 2022, to enable delivery to start in September 2022. Investment plans will be reviewed by government and must pay due regard and co-ordinate where possible with wider skills and employment interventions in local areas to avoid duplication.
In return for funding, the government expects local areas to measurably improve adult functional numeracy levels locally.
In the medium to longer term, the ambition is to view the Multiply programme as part of Lancashire's ambition to secure devolution through a county deal and new governance model, which also aligns with the government's push to devolve funds to local areas to drive 'Levelling Up' across a range of priorities, including skills and employment.
At its meeting on Thursday 9 June, the county council's cabinet will be asked to approve two recommendations that will progress the delivery of the Multiply programme in Lancashire.
County Councillor Jayne Rear, cabinet member for education and skills, said: "The Multiply programme aims to help people to progress professionally, find new opportunities and feel less daunted when working with numbers.
"Numeracy does not come easily to everyone, but it is an important skill that can really open doors for people both professionally and personally.
"I am looking forward to this service being rolled out later this year and hope that those who sign up to it will go on to reach their full potential."
For more information about Multiply, email: multiply@lancashire.gov.uk
Notes to editors
The full agenda for Lancashire County Council's cabinet meeting on Thursday 9 June can be viewed here: Agenda for Cabinet on Thursday, 9th June, 2022, 2.00 pm (lancashire.gov.uk)
Click here to read the cabinet report on the Multiply Funding to Improve Adult Numeracy Skills