School admissions

New Preston schools consultation is live

A consultation that seeks the views of members of the public concerning the creation of a new primary and secondary school in Preston is now live.

The new primary school is planned to be built on the Cottam Hall site and would, over time, create 210 places. The new secondary school would be built on the former Tulketh High School site to provide 600 places.

The schools would accommodate rising pupil numbers resulting from housing development in the area and an increase in the birth rate.

It is proposed that both new schools would operate as a 'free school' and would open in September 2025.

The building would be provided by Lancashire County Council and would be partly funded through contributions from the housing developers.

County Councillor Jayne Rear, cabinet member for education and skills, said: "We are proposing to build new schools to meet increasing demand for places.

"New housing means that many more families are moving into these areas. We are expanding existing schools to meet the demands over the next few years, but many more places are needed from 2025. New schools are the only way we can provide these.

"It is crucial we give people the opportunity to share their views, please ensure that you take part and help to shape the outcome of these proposals."

A public engagement event is being held at Ingol Library from 4pm-6pm on Monday, January 9, 2023. Officers from Lancashire County Council will be available to answer any queries from attendees regarding the new schools.

There will also be an opportunity to take part in a formal consultation, after a free school sponsor has been approved by the Secretary of State, but before the signing of the funding agreement. This consultation is expected later in the year.

The informal consultation was launched on December 12 and it will run until 5pm on January 22, 2023. For more information visit