New speed cushions to help reduce accidents and help traffic calming
Lancashire County Council is due to discuss plans to introduce traffic calming in the village of Staining.
A report to the council’s cabinet meeting scheduled for Thursday 20 January outlines proposals to install speed cushions on Staining Road and Chain Lane to reduce traffic speeds through the existing 20mph zone.
The measures have been put forward following six collisions where excessive speed was a factor, resulting in eight people being injured.
The report also outlines responses received during recent public consultation on the traffic calming proposals, which were designed following initial discussions with residents and the Parish Council.
County Councillor Charlie Edwards, cabinet member for highways and transport, said: "Road safety is so important to us and where a pattern of incidents emerges in a particular area of people being injured in similar circumstances, we will look at what we can do to improve the situation.
“The recent and considerable poor safety record on Staining Road and Chain Lane shows that there is a need for further measures to ensure drivers respect the 20mph speed limit through the village.
"I’m grateful for the feedback we’ve received from everyone who responded to the consultation and contacted me, including Councillor John Singleton, and look forward to cabinet considering these proposals.”