Next steps prepared for plans to improve journeys on the A582
The next steps are being put in place to deliver improvements to journeys on the A582 in South Ribble and provide better provision for buses, walking and cycling.
The aim of the project is to reduce congestion along the A582 Major Roads Network route between the M6, M61 and M65 terminus at Cuerden and Preston city centre to support economic growth, provide better access to existing employment sites and support the delivery of new homes.
The proposals would support all road users and seek to reduce transport related carbon emissions and improve air quality by reducing congestion and helping with the provision of bus network improvements, and enhanced walking and cycling facilities along Leyland Road and Fishergate Hill to encourage more sustainable travel choices for local trips.
At the next Lancashire County Council Cabinet meeting on Thursday, January 16, Councillors will be recommended to approve funding towards development activity including the preparation of a full business case for Government funding and the use of the county council's powers to compulsorily purchase land needed for a new junction configuration to replace the two roundabouts at Croston Road.
The report seeks approval to draw down up to £6m of the local match funding put in place for this transport scheme by the county council in March last year, to support remaining development activity and purchase land that can be acquired by agreement.
County Councillor Aidy Riggott, cabinet member for Economic Development and Growth, said:
"This is an important next step for the project, as part of our plans to reduce congestion and support economic growth. It will help us to move at pace and keep to our programme to start these works in 2026.
"Improvements to the A582 have been on the agenda since the 2013 Central Lancashire Highways and Transport Masterplan and these important proposals will help to reduce congestion between the M65 and Preston, helping people to access work, leisure and vital local trips.
"Our Cabinet will be asked to approve the next steps so that we can acquire the necessary land and proceed further with the project."
Find out more information in the Cabinet report online at Council - Agenda for Cabinet on Thursday, 16th January, 2025, 2.00 pm