Primary school set to cease nursery provision
A Clitheroe primary school is set to cease its maintained nursery provision because demand for places has fallen.
Members of Lancashire County Council's cabinet today approved a proposal to discontinue the nursery provision at Edisford Primary School following a formal consultation.
The responses to the consultation all supported the closure of the nursery, and no issues or concerns were raised by the families who may have been adversely affected by the proposal.
School governors had previously consulted with parents informally after saying they felt limited by the school's opening times and that provision was only available in term time.
The move will see year groups running from Reception to Year 6 rather than the current Nursery 2 to Year 6 from April this year.
County Councillor Jayne Rear, cabinet member for education and skills, said: "I'd like to thank the people who took part in the formal consultation which was part of the statutory process in deciding the future of nursery provision at the school.
"It is clear there is a surplus of nursery places in the area because of a drop in the birth rate, and parents also want the flexibility of accessing nursery provision during school holidays."