Preston station rail pic

Proposed new body will amplify council's voice on rail services

Lancashire County Council is proposing to team up with other councils on a new body to help shape and improve the region's rail network.

A North West Regional Business Unit for Rail is being formed to ensure that local priorities and advice are reflected within rail development led by the Rail North Partnership.

A new report to the county council's cabinet asks councillors to appoint an officer to the new business unit for rail which will represent all councils with a responsibility for transport in the north west region.

County Councillor Rupert Swarbrick, cabinet member for highways and transport, said: ""The decisions made about rail travel at a regional level have an impact on many of Lancashire's priorities for transport, and we need to make sure that we're making our voice heard on behalf of our residents.

"Lancashire is already represented on Transport for the North, which leads on representing the north's rail priorities, however it's important that we're also part of the new regional business unit which will speak with one voice to set out key priorities and advice on behalf of north west councils.

"Councils have a wealth of information, knowledge, and expertise which can help to ensure that decisions about rail investment support our priorities to boost our local economy and look after our environment, and I'll be recommending to cabinet that we're represented on the new business unit for rail."