Scheme to improve safety around trees to be given the go-ahead
A scheme to improve safety around trees will be rolled out across more areas if Lancashire County Council's Cabinet gives it the green light.
The council already cares for trees on or near to the highways, but this will be extended to include those on land that the authority owns or has responsibility for.
The plans will see all trees numbered so the authority can keep track of each individually, so they can be monitored for disease, weak roots and dead trees, which could pose a risk to the public.
It is the first time that the authority has carried out a full audit of how many trees it has but there are likely to tens of thousands inspected and catalogued.
County Councillor Shaun Turner said, cabinet member for environment and climate change, said: "We take the safety of the public incredibly seriously and this expansion will make our already very safe service even better.
"Within recent years, nationally there have been several high-profile accidents involving trees.
"The risk to people is exceedingly small, around one in 10 million, however tragedies do occur every year.
"One reason the risk is so small is that in most instances appropriate and timely management decisions have taken place and hazardous trees have been identified and removed."
Three full-time tree surveyors that were recently taken on by the authority are expected to carry out the work.
The report has been recommended for approval at the Cabinet meeting on Thursday, November 3.
Notes to editors
Notes to Editors
According to the National Tres ….one in 10 million
The Health and Safety Executive in winter 2021 following from a Staffordshire County Council tree fatality urged that local authorities ensure that they have suitable inspection systems in place including monitoring and audit provisions to guard against fatalities occurring.