Parents and carers urged to share their experiences to help improve how Lancashire families access support
Lancashire County Council is set to improve how parents and carers currently contact the council to seek support, access services or share information about their children.
By reviewing their use of technology, the local authority hopes to make things easier for residents of Lancashire who need support for their children.
Local authorities hold data on various services such as school admissions, exam results, attendance, transportation, free school meals and much more. It is vital that parents and carers can access any information or support they need efficiently and without delay.
Before work can begin, the council is asking parents and carers for feedback on their experiences of accessing support, services, and information so that their views are at the centre of any changes made.
County Councillor Jayne Rear, cabinet member for education and skills, said: "We want to use up-to-date technologies to make it easier for parents and carers to interact with the council when they access education-related services and support for their children.
"We also want the new system to enable schools and other education providers to efficiently share information with the council to help relieve administrative backlog and give them more time to spend engaging with children and supporting their education and wellbeing.
"Improving the way we share information with parents, carers and schools will help us to achieve our vision; that children, young people and their families are safe, healthy and achieve their full potential."
The council is also asking education providers in Lancashire to provide feedback via online surveys and focus groups so that their needs, alongside those of parents and carers, can be understood and can help to shape a solution that works for everyone.
Parents and carers can share their views here.
Education providers can have their say here.