Firefighter and paramedics share how their skills make them a perfect fit for fostering
Your skills could make you the perfect foster carer. That’s the message behind the powerful new fostering film, ‘Any of Us’ which will be launched on Tuesday, 26 September.
The project is the largest ever public sector fostering film collaboration yet, with more than 80 participants, including Lancashire County Council.
The video for ‘Any Of Us’ looks at three very different people who all show some of the attributes needed to be a foster carer in incidents from their daily lives. They are very different individuals in very different scenarios, but each showing the caring instinct that is fundamental to being a carer.
The film develops so that it becomes clear that one of these three everyday people will become the foster carer to Chloe. But which one of the three will be the one to make the difference? The main character’s stories are all interwoven with Chloe’s, as we see her journey into fostering.
Any of Us
Watch the 30-second version below.
Here are the inspirational story of three unique Lancashire County Council carers, who joined the vocation from frontline forces.
“I am an officer in the fire service and a foster carer for Lancashire County Council.
“If you’re working and being a foster carer, you’ll still need to dedicate time, energy and attention to your foster children.
“These kids will have most likely experienced trauma in their past, so they need someone who is willing to advocate for them and help them overcome vulnerabilities.
“Fostering is very rewarding and fulfilling, I thoroughly enjoy the role and would recommend it to anyone - you will not regret it.”
Dan and Jackie
“We have always worked shifts and we have always had to work our shifts around childcare as we didn’t have much support when our children were young.
“With us both working for the Ambulance Service at the time, we knew that a lot of children out there could potentially make use of our spare room and we could now be in a position to help give a child a safe and secure environment to thrive in.
“Our own children were now at a good independent age, so the timing was perfect.
“We are both still working. Dan no longer works for the Ambulance Service, he is now based at a GP surgery. I have reduced my hours and just work days now instead of nights.
“This helps us to be at home more together and enables us to work together and support the children in our care.”
Louise Anderson, Lancashire County Council's Director of Children's Social Care said: “The thought-provoking and inspiring ‘Any of Us’ campaign shows anyone, from any background, can foster a child or young person. All they need is the capacity to care.
“By joining up and taking part we hope to encourage people to foster for Lancashire County Council and make a forever difference to some of the youngest members of our community.
“There’s currently a shortage of fostering households in Lancashire so sharing stories like Paul's, Dan's and Jackie’s have an important role to play in spreading the message that we need more people to become foster carers.
“We hope by watching, or reading, these stories people will pause for a second and think, 'I could do that.'”
Lancashire County Council's foster carers are part of a unique fostering family, made up of a strong, comprehensive network offering regular social events, activities, and financial support.
The council believes that foster care offers the best outcomes for children unable to remain with their birth parents and is keen to hear from interested parties who might wish to explore the opportunities of sharing their home and family with some of the most vulnerable in our community. Fostering comes in many shapes and sizes from single children to sibling groups, infants to teens, non-disabled children and youngsters with additional needs.
All potential foster carers need is a spare room, to be over 21 years old and a desire to provide a safe, stable, and caring home for a child. There are a range of benefits and extra incentives for all Lancashire County Council foster carers.
To find out more about becoming a foster carer, or know someone who might, or to find out more about the events, go to https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/fostering/events/any-of-us/ You can also watch the full version of the video.