Nurseries reach Gold standard offering healthy eating choices to youngsters
A string of nurseries across Lancashire have been given awards for their work offering healthier eating choices to the children in their care.
Lancashire Country Council Trading Standards runs the Recipe 4 Health scheme, which encourages local food businesses to offer healthier eating and consider environmental issues and lifestyle choices.
Businesses demonstrate that they are compliant with food safety, food standards and safety legislation. The Gold Award is given to those with a 5* food hygiene rating, Silver with a 4* and Bronze for a 3* rating.
The Nature Trail Nursery Group recently received Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards for their eight nurseries, which are based in Chorley and West Lancashire.
Jamal Dermott, Trading Standards' Recipe 4 Health Lead said: "Congratulations goes to Nature Trail nurseries, whose eight settings are proud holders of all three awards.
"A special mention goes to Nature Trail’s Bev Chorlton, who was responsible for coordinating between them and Lancashire County Council.
"This is the second nursery setting who have applied for the Recipe for Health awards. Playdor Nursery School in Chorley have also received Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards.
"Pendle Borough Council and Rossendale Borough Council have teamed up with Lancashire County Council to promote the Recipe for Health scheme in these areas.
"There are 19 businesses in Pendle and two in Rossendale who are working towards gaining their awards at the moment.
"The Awards are a fantastic way to demonstrate to the community that you are an efficient provider who really understands all of sides of food safety and healthy eating. We are taking more applications from food businesses, and recommend that others do apply to show off their thoroughness."
Find out more at lancashire.gov.uk/business/trading-standards/recipe-4-health-award